Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Skipping your nighttime routine...

When it comes to the holiday frenzy, every minute counts.

At the end of a long, cold day you may be tempted to skip your nighttime skincare routine and fall straight into bed. When you do … you are missing out on the most valuable skin recovery and repair time. When you sleep, the processes in your body slow and this is when your skin is most receptive to treatment. Our advice is to be efficient. Skip the products and devices that are especially time consuming and seek alternatives with the best return on your time investment.

We recommend a mild exfoliant cleanser followed by the application of a therapeutic toner. After these two quick steps, use a topical treatment for collagen regeneration … this should not take more than a minute … and ending with the application of a night cream. The three minutes you spend will pay dividends when you awake looking well rested and youthful.


For more infomation on the best products for your face...contact me Today!

Tasha White

Rodan and Fields Dermatologists


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dermatology 911-college student with acne

By Dr. Kathy Fields

Patient Name: Bree*

Gender: Female

Age: 29 years old

Concern: acne

Doctor’s  Notes:

Bree, a graduate student in psychology and longtime acne patient, presented with a flair in her condition. This event is a common one seen in students undergoing final exams just prior to the winter break. The fact that Bree’s acne had severely worsened under pressure is no surprise. Research from Stanford University’s School of Medicine shows that there may be a strong correlation between exam-related stress and acne severity in college students. A volunteer sample of students with varying degrees of acne was assessed during both non-examination and examination periods. The result was that as students approached exams and experienced a higher level of stress, they also experienced more severe acne. But unfortunately, acne flare-ups don’t stop once you’ve received your diploma. Acne can be a lifelong condition and flare-ups can be brought on by any of life’s stresses.

The best way to prevent acne is to treat the full face daily with an acne-focused regimen containing either sulfur or benzoyl peroxide to address breakouts, and hydroquinone to address post-acne dark marks. If you’re coming into typically high stress circumstances, double up and apply your regimen twice daily. People with really persistent acne may need to see a dermatologist for more intensive treatment options. In Bree’s case, I recommended an over-the-counter acne regimen twice daily for a month before resorting to a prescription alternative. But daily preventative treatment the month before her finals would have most likely saved her the trip. Because when it comes to acne, prevention is key.

Remember no matter how bad you want too, don't squeeze it! It will leave a scar especially the darker your skintone.

For more information on treating your acne or any skin issue, call me today. Let's Talk about Skin!


Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Friday, December 3, 2010

Don’t Stress … Tips for a Beautiful Holiday Season

Black Friday has come and gone and the holiday season is in full swing ... and so is seasonal stress.   Greeting cards, wish lists, holiday menus, party details, traffic. parking spaces, sold-out electronics, lines at the toy store, lines at the post office, lines everywhere, air travel  … phew … even compiling this list is causing a surge in cortisol levels. While it might be “the most wonderful time of the year,” holiday season is often accompanied by a super-sized serving of stress.

Mounting stress needs an outlet or the first place it may show is on your face. Your body responds to stress with an increase in the stress hormone, cortisol.  Cortisol is part of the natural fight or flight response that enables self-preservation.  But when you’re all stressed out with no place to go (like waiting in line at Target), cortisol can wreak havoc with virtually every organ in your body and that shows on your most visible organ, your skin.  The signs are obvious: breakouts, an ashen or sallow complexion, the flushing of rosacea, dark under-eye circles, dull and limp hair, and more pronounced lines and wrinkles. And what’s more, the effects of stress on skin are cumulative so even small stressful events can show on your face.

While stress is a part of everyday life, there are ways to manage it and control how it affects your skin, so you can look great at the party even if you stressed over planning it or getting there.  This month, we’ll give you tips to manage stress from the inside out so you can look your best this holiday season and well into the new year!

For  more information on how stress affects your skin, contact me.

Let's Talk about skin!


Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Get Clear Skin Myths:

Dairy foods are essential to a healthy body

The calcium that comes from dairy products is essential to a healthy body but if you’re noticing increased breakouts, you could be reacting to the hormones that are in the milk.   A study conducted by a team of scientists at Harvard and published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that the hormones in milk can lead to increased acne.

As dermatologists we believe the most reliable way to get calcium and vitamin D is from supplements. But if you can’t live without dairy products, go organic to avoid the potential problems that come from the growth hormones in non-organic products.

For more information on achieving clear, radiant skin, contact me. Let's Talk about Skin!


Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Does Chocolate really give you acne?

The overall correlation between diet and acne is still unclear. However, dermatologists now understand that it is not likely to be the cocoa / chocolate component of that Godiva truffle that is behind an acne flare-up, but it could be the sugar that is the culprit. 

That’s because foods that are high on the glycemic index (high sugar/carbohydrate foods) are not skin friendly in general. High glycemic foods cause a surge of insulin in the body which may accelerate collagen breakdown and increase oil production (thus increasing the likelihood of breakouts).

So regardless of your skin concern, eating healthy foods will always serve you well and help your skin resist the effects of inflammation and stress.

For more information  acne flare ups or to talk about chocolate...contact me:-)

Let's Talk about Skin!


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Thursday, November 11, 2010

More increcible results! Pictures tell it all!

For more information on the product he used or any of our quality skincare, contact me.

Let's talk about skin!!

Tasha White-Rodan and Fields Dermatologists Consultant

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Monday, October 18, 2010

WOW! Look at these forehead results from our AMP MD! Better results then Botox!

Okay, so you can have better results then Botox without needles or injections, no pain and from the comfort of your home!

Pictures don't lie...So take a look at these pics below.

If you want to be apart of my team and this ground breaking company, contact me. I would love to share with you what I and the Drs. are looking for.

If you would like to try our amazing products that offer a 60 day money guarantee, check out my site or call me. We can get you started today!

For more results, clinical trials and to see How we Roll!! www.bestspentminute.com


This pic was taken on October 5th.

This pic was taken after the 1st treatment

This pic was taken after 4 treatments

This pic was taken after 9 painless and easy at home treatments...Truly amazing! Botox and Restylane can't do this!

This month only, get our award winning Anti-Ange regimen plus the AMP MD anti-aging system for $300!!

This is almost a $200 savings!

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More on our revolutionary Anti-Aging system!

Words from Chris Diaz, our VP of Sales:

The first time I saw our AMP MD System I was nervous. I tend to be skeptical about skincare in general, and the prospect of rolling needles across my face scared me. So needless to say, I was a little apprehensive about trying Rodan + Fields AMP MD. But as a firm believer in anything from Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields I was compelled to try it. In seconds I saw how pain-free the roller was. In fact, it feels good. And the results have been nothing short of astounding.

Between the clinical trial results, before and after pictures and personal results stories I hear every day, the fact that this product will change the skincare industry isn’t just a line. It’s a matter of fact.

By Chris Diaz Vice President of Sales at Rodan + Fields® Dermatologists

Contact me today to get started!

For a limited time, get the AMP MD and Anti-Age regimen for $300! A $193 savings!!

Tasha White...Let's Talk abou Skin!



Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Monday, October 4, 2010

Are you concerned about your aging skin?

Drs. Notes:

Anne had been using topical retinol treatments as part of her anti-aging routine and seeing some benefits, but was ready to step up her skin rejuvenation program.  As her dermatologist, I reviewed alternatives with Anne that included injections of fillers, alternative at-home treatment and procedures, or a combination of both.  Anne opted to start with an at-home system that has clinically demonstrated consistently enhanced benefits.

I suggested she try treatment with a medical-grade roller as a step up in topical treatment before investing in more expensive and invasive procedures.  I explained that topical anti-aging ingredients have the potential for significant benefits, but only if they can penetrate the skin’s protective outer surface.  Our skin, by design, functions as a barrier to keep things out. For the most part, this is a good thing.  The roller I recommend creates precise micro-channels in the skin so that potentially effective active cosmetics such as retinol would penetrate deeper into the upper layers of her skin. This roller could also help maintain her results in between chemical peels and micro-dermabrasion.

My medical-grade roller was a great solution for Anne. For anyone who is not satisfied with anti-aging skincare options, I recommend trying a new at-home roller system with 0.2 mm acupuncture needles and clinically tested skincare ingredients. This can be used daily for effective results and maintenance over time. ~ Dr. Kathy Fields

For more infomation on how to be apart of this amazing company, click here! Incredible Business opportunity

For more information on how to buy this product, click here! Revolutionary Anti-Aging system

For more information on how to use it and the results, click here! This is how we roll!

Then contact me so we can get you started!

Tasha White - Let's Talk about Skin!


Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Show me the results!

Real People, Real Results...A picture speaks for itself!

For more information on how you can achieve clear skin, contact me today!

Tasha 404-353-2290 Let's Talk about Skin!



Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Show me the results!

Real People, Real Results...A picture speaks for itself!

For more information on how you can achieve clear skin, contact me today!

Tasha 404-353-2290 Let's Talk about Skin!


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Friday, September 24, 2010

GetClearSKin Question: I’m 74 years old; can a wrinkle cream help me at this age or is it too late?

No matter how old you are, it’s never too soon (or too late) to start ensuring a healthy, youthful-looking future for your skin. To address these needs, Rodan + Fields offers ANTI–AGE Regimen which takes proven pharmaceutical science and applies it to the prevention and correction of the visible signs of skin aging.

By strategically incorporating anti-aging peptides, this daily system works on multiple skin levels to address the key causes of skin aging: decreased cell turnover, diminished collagen production, dryness, and the cumulative effects of environmental damage.

I know a lady who is 101 years old and she uses her Anti-age regimen every day.

For more information about Anti-Age, contact me.

Tasha...Let's Talk about Skin!


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

GetClearSKin Question: I’m 74 years old; can a wrinkle cream help me at this age or is it too late?

No matter how old you are, it’s never too soon (or too late) to start ensuring a healthy, youthful-looking future for your skin. To address these needs, Rodan + Fields offers ANTI–AGE Regimen which takes proven pharmaceutical science and applies it to the prevention and correction of the visible signs of skin aging.

By strategically incorporating anti-aging peptides, this daily system works on multiple skin levels to address the key causes of skin aging: decreased cell turnover, diminished collagen production, dryness, and the cumulative effects of environmental damage.

I know a lady who is 101 years old and she uses her Anti-age regimen every day.

For more information about Anti-Age, contact me.

Tasha...Let's Talk about Skin!


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

GetClearSkin question: What are the clinical study results for the ANTI-AGE Regimen?

In clinical studies, Rodan + Fields ANTI-AGE Regimen demonstrated the following significant changes after eight weeks of product use:

34% improvement in skin firmness

41% improvement in skin moisturization

60% improvement in skin barrier strength

34% improvement in skin smoothness

48% reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles

Let's Talk about Skin...Tasha

Bookmark my website and save my number. On October 1st we will unveil a product in direct competition with Botox that show better results, no injections, that you can do from home! Top beauty editors call it the best 1 minute in Anti-aging. stay tuned!!!



Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New revolutionary anti-aging system! Bye Bye Botox!

The cat has been let out of the bag!!

Marie Claire's editor says, "I'm OBSESSED with this skin roller from Rodan+Fields!"

This product will be unveilied on October 1st and will be featured in tons of beauty magazines.

Now's the time to get in line to receive this incredible new technology OR move to the front of the line and PROFIT with me!!

Contact me to get more information.

Let's Talk about Skin...Tasha

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

New revolutionary anti-aging system! Bye Bye Botox!

The cat has been let out of the bag!!

Marie Claire's editor says, "I'm OBSESSED with this skin roller from Rodan+Fields!"

This product will be unveilied on October 1st and will be featured in tons of beauty magazines.

Now's the time to get in line to receive this incredible new technology OR move to the front of the line and PROFIT with me!!

Contact me to get more information.

Let's Talk about Skin...Tasha

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Client GetClearSkin testimony after only 1 week!

Here is a testimony from a new friend I recently made.

She is concerend about dark spots and uneven skin tone. She has tried many different products but none that made a difference in her skin.

Here is what she said after only 4 applications!

"I know  it's a bit early, but so far I LOVE the way my skin feels, And I love how this product doesn't weigh down my skin, it's lite!!"

I love to hear words like this. Real and unscripted.

If you desire clear, healthy and radiant skin, call me.

Let's Talk about Skin!!


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Client GetClearSkin testimony after only 1 week!

Here is a testimony from a new friend I recently made.

She is concerend about dark spots and uneven skin tone. She has tried many different products but none that made a difference in her skin.

Here is what she said after only 4 applications!

"I know  it's a bit early, but so far I LOVE the way my skin feels, And I love how this product doesn't weigh down my skin, it's lite!!"

I love to hear words like this. Real and unscripted.

If you desire clear, healthy and radiant skin, call me.

Let's Talk about Skin!!


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Friday, September 10, 2010

Letting Mother Nature Call the Shots

Mother Nature’s primary objective is procreation. Therefore, men are biologically hardwired to notice women when we are at the peak of fertility, when our skin is flawless, our cheeks soft and round, our eyebrows arched. As we age we become less fertile and Mother Nature decides we no longer need to be attractive.

The natural reduction of feminizing hormones causes our faces to become more angular, our eyebrows to flatten, our facial hair to grow and our lips to thin. Don’t let Mother Nature cast you aside. Fight back by being proactively involved in your health and well-being. Talk with your doctor about hormone replacement therapy and other alternatives for staving off the visible effects of decreasing hormones. With advances in science you can look desirable well into your 80s and 90s.

80% of what goes on with our skin is in our control.

Call me so we can talk about Skin!

Tasha White


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Are you stressing out?

When it comes to stressing you out, there is nothing worse than a big zit on your chin before an important presentation or event. And because a face full of breakouts worsens your stress, a vicious cycle ensues.

In response to stress, our bodies produce excess cortisol, a hormone that is designed to help the body respond with the classic “flight or fight reaction” to a threatening event. Too much cortisol leads to a myriad of health problems, including acne.

So, while we know it is difficult in the moment, our advice is to take a series of deep breaths, relax and don’t forget to exercise for endorphin release. In the big scheme of things, the zit on your chin is not life threatening and if you can keep it in perspective you will have fewer blemishes to worry about.

Try and relax and enjoy your day!

Call me for more questions. Let's Talk about Skin...Tasha

Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Are you concerned about wrinkles and fine lines? Here is some advice...

Patient Name: Rachel*

Gender: Female

Age: 46 years old

Concern: lines and wrinkles, especially around the eye area and mouth

Doctor’s Notes:

Rachel came into my office with  lines and wrinkles around her eyes and mouth. She claimed they never bothered her in her 30s and early 40s, but recently they had started to deepen and become more noticeable. To reduce  wrinkling,, she elected to receive regular injections of Botox and Restylane. Over $1,500 of cosmetic procedures later (none of which were covered by her insurance), she was  happy with her results but a little frustrated at the thought of ongoing treatments to maintain her new “look.”

The old adage “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” was never truer than in Rachel’s case. Had she started on a proactive anti-aging routine in her 20s or even her 30s she, and her wallet, would have been much happier in her late 40s.

Learn from Rachel’s experience and start your anti-aging routine while you still love your skin. Incorporate healthy habits, like wearing sunscreen, not drinking from a straw, sleeping on your back and wearing sunglasses, in conjunction with starting an anti-aging skincare routine with peptide technology, to prevent wrinkles. Because at the end of the day, the best wrinkle is the one you never get.

**On October 1st, we will unveil a new Anti-age product that is 10 years ahead of anything on the market and will take the word "wrinkle" out of your vocabulary! Feel free to contact me for more information on becoming a consultant or a preferred customer.**

Tasha White-Rodan and Fields Dermatologists Consultant



Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Are you stressing out?

When it comes to stressing you out, there is nothing worse than a big zit on your chin before an important presentation or event. And because a face full of breakouts worsens your stress, a vicious cycle ensues.

In response to stress, our bodies produce excess cortisol, a hormone that is designed to help the body respond with the classic “flight or fight reaction” to a threatening event. Too much cortisol leads to a myriad of health problems, including acne.

So, while we know it is difficult in the moment, our advice is to take a series of deep breaths, relax and don’t forget to exercise for endorphin release. In the big scheme of things, the zit on your chin is not life threatening and if you can keep it in perspective you will have fewer blemishes to worry about.

Try and relax and enjoy your day!

Call me for more questions. Let's Talk about Skin...Tasha

Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Join the call tonight with the Drs. Very rare!!

Join the call tonight with the Drs. that created Proactiv.

Tonight 9pm est. Hear their dreams and visions for their newst business venture and why they are inviting YOU to join them! Yes you can be involved!

712-432-9735 access code:79033.

Join us now!!!

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tips on making a REAL difference in your skin...

I think we all desire radiant healthy skin. And for some of us, it comes naturally. Some wash with harsh soap and water and their skin looks incredible! But that is not the case for most of us.

So what are some things we can do to help our skin glow?

1) Wash your face at night: Make-up, cover ups and dirt from the day can do some damage on your face and pores while you sleep. After you finish cleansing follow that up with an awesome Night Recovery cream that will help repair cellular damage and boost collagen production.


2) Wear your sunscreen daily: I know you've heard me say this before but it bears repeating. The majority of the damage to our face, whether its brown spots, post acne marks or wrinkles, come from the sun. Protect your face and you will see dramatic changes in your skin!

Stay tuned next week for more tips on how to gain healthy radiant skin!

Tasha...Let's Talk about Skin!

Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

GetClearSkin Myth: Greasy food makes my acne flare...

Contrary to popular belief, research proves that occasionally eating french fries or chocolate are not the likely suspects causing your breakouts.

However, recent studies do suggest a possible correlation between acne and high glycemic diets associated with processed, sugary or carbohydrate-laden foods. Milk products also may contain hormones that trigger an acne flare-up.

While diet isn’t a primary cause of acne, healthy eating habits will always serve you well, help you to look your best and lessen the negative effects of inflammation and stress on your body.

Also remember, a daily routine of cleansing you face goes a long way in keeping your acne under control.

Contact me to learn more...Let's Talk about Skin!


Tasha White

Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sunscreens make my acne worse, so I’m afraid to use a Sunscreen.

This is an urban myth.

Actually, sun exposure increases cell turnover, blocking pores and causing more breakouts, so skipping sunscreen may make it worse. Unblemish Oil Control SPF 20 has been specifically developed for acne-prone skin, and is non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores) and contains time-released oil-control.

Another alternative is the Mineral Peptides SPF 20 Sunscreen.

Not sure what your needs are? Call me for a skin care analysis.

Tasha...Let's Talk About Skin


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Treating acne with spot treatments...does it work?

Combating acne with spot treatments doesn't work...

The pimple on your face today has been forming under the skin for over two weeks. Because the appearance of the bump is the final step in the process, spot treatments are largely ineffective.

In fact, spot-treating acne makes as much sense as brushing only the tooth with the cavity while ignoring the rest of your mouth. To effectively combat acne you must treat your entire face every day to stop acne before it’s visible on the skin’s surface.

Would you like more information on effective acne treatments? Contact me for more details

Tasha...Let's talk about skin!

Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is 20 too young to start using an ANTI-AGE Regimen and Eye Cream?

As we grow older, our skin’s inherent anti-aging mechanisms diminish: defenses weaken, critical processes slow and the rate of breakdown accelerates. In the Doctors’  medical practices, they constantly see the need for a daily skincare regimen that replenishes or restores what’s lacking and prevents or interrupts the aging process.

To address this need, you need an ANTI–AGE Regimen which takes proven pharmaceutical science and applies it to the prevention and correction of the visible signs of skin aging. With anti-aging peptides, this daily system works on multiple skin levels to address the key causes of skin aging: decreased cell turnover, diminished collagen production, dryness and the cumulative effects of environmental damage.

So begin today. No matter how old you are, it’s never too soon (or too late) to start ensuring a healthy, youthful-looking future for your skin. Decide today how you are going to look tomorrow.


Tasha...Let's Talk about Skin Baby


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My face is so oily that I wash it three to four times a day. How many times a day should I wash it?

Washing your face more than twice a day to remove excess oil will eventually cause an increase in oil production due to a rebound phenomenon, making your skin more sensitive.

A better approach is to use an Oil Control Lotion SPF 20 to protect and mattify skin for a fresh, healthy-looking complexion. And to blot away surface shine throughout the day, use  Blot Papers with Zincidone.

Have a super fantastic week, oil free!!


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Habits that can haunt...

Stripping Your Face with Harsh Astringents

Using an astringent with a high percentage of alcohol to get that “deep clean” feeling is actually hurting your skin. Unfortunately, these harsh astringents remove much more than dirt and oil from your face. They will also strip the skin of essential moisture. So your skin actually produces MORE oil to compensate for the dryness and the vicious cycle never ends.

I recommend using a treatment toner containing beneficial ingredients to gently clean pores while protecting your delicate moisture barrier.

Feel free to contact me to find out the best toner for your skin.


Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Monday, July 19, 2010

Food for thought...


"If you would give yourself a rest from news-reports for 30 days you will feel much better.  Try it.  Constantly focusing on the news about the economy messes with your ability to create and makes you feel bad.  When you are feeling bad about anything you are "creating in reverse."  You are always creating with your thoughts and your feelings about those thoughts.  Feel good - good creation. Feel bad - bad creation.  Remember what I said in Selling from the Heart: "It is better to be a boring dinner guest than an informed grump!"

"Every economic downturn causes a huge spike in network-marketing businesses.  It's an economic law!  Now is the time to turn it on big time and get in front of more people.  Their desire for more money and well being is at an all time high.  Start punching buttons on a phone with a frenzy!"

From a talk at the Kabulis base shop in Brookfield, CT

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Things that can ruin your skin...

We are all born with different types of skin. There are genetic factors that contribute to the condition of our skin. But 80% of what goes on with our skin in in our control. That is the good news!! The bad news is, many of us choose not to take that control.

There are so many things we can do to either make our skin better or worse. Today let's talk about a few things that can make it worse:

1. PICKING: Squeezing pimples and picking blemishes are not winning strategies for anyone. This is the Number 1 issue for brown skin. We pick at pimples, scratch them, mess with them and the result - hyperpigmentation (discoloration), which can last months to years and is very difficult to treat.

2.COMBO CREAMING: using 4 to 5 different creams from 5 different lines can actually dry out your skin. That can also cause your breakouts to be worse.

3. SMOKING: Aside from the damage smoking can cause to your lungs, it also reduces your skin's ability to produce collagen and destroys the skin's elasticity. This damage occurs with each and every cigarette.

If you are doing one or all of these, you are ruining your skin. But there is still hope! First we have to work together to stop these bad habits. I can also help you reverse the damage that has been done.

So tell me ladies, what other factors do you think can ruin your skin?

Stay tuned next week for more habits that can ruin your skin.
Tasha White

Posted via email from Be Foundation Free

Friday, July 16, 2010

Wow...tonight was amazing!

Tonight my business partner Kelly and I had an event. Wine, facials and fondue. We had a blast! You’ve heard me say and post that I love what I do. Let me tell you again…I LOVE what I do! Thank you to all the guests! You made it a success!

And it’s not just about the money for me. The personal development that I have gained in the last year has been remarkable! I went from a 9 to 5, clock in/clock out, grow someone else’s business type of gal to a woman that is building a legacy that I can will to my children and their children! And the people I get to work with are just amazing. I get up every morning truly eager to work another day.

Now don’t get me wrong, this is a business. And the goal of any business is to make a profit. But it goes beyond that. Tonight, one of the guests became a consultant. She was very excited but she also prayed about before she got there. And she felt that God ordained this direction for her life. Towards the end of the night, a few of us got in a circle and prayed for each other and prayed for our businesses. How awesome is that? To God be all the glory!

I am at a point in my life where I want to choose who I work with. No more sitting in a cubicle next to the person who complains about their job, about their life and about their family all day. No more eating lunch with people I really don’t like.No more working for a boss who overworks me and doesn’t appreciate me. I am done with that!

Maybe you are at that place in your life.  I don’t know if this is for you. It sure is working for me and many people around me. But if you want to talk and learn more about working for yourself. Call me. 404-353-2290

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

WOW...tonight was amazing!

Tonight my business partner Kelly and I had an event. Wine, facials and fondue. We had a blast! You’ve heard me say and post that I love what I do. Let me tell you again…I LOVE what I do! Thank you to all the guests! You made it a success!

And it’s not just about the money for me. The personal development that I have gained in the last year has been remarkable! I went from a 9 to 5, clock in/clock out, grow someone else’s business type of gal to a woman that is building a legacy that I can will to my children and their children! And the people I get to work with are just amazing. I get up every morning truly eager to work another day.

Now don’t get me wrong, this is a business. And the goal of any business is to make a profit. But it goes beyond that. Tonight, one of the guests became a consultant. She was very excited but she also prayed about before she got there. And she felt that God ordained this direction for her life. Towards the end of the night, a few of us got in a circle and prayed for each other and prayed for our businesses. How awesome is that? To God be all the glory!

I am at a point in my life where I want to choose who I work with. No more sitting in a cubicle next to the person who complains about their job, about their life and about their family all day. No more eating lunch with people I really don’t like.No more working for a boss who overworks me and doesn’t appreciate me. I am done with that!

Maybe you are at that place in your life.  I don’t know if this is for you. It sure is working for me and many people around me. But if you want to talk and learn more about working for yourself. Call me. 404-353-2290

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

WOW...tonight was amazing!

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Tonight my business partner Kelly and I had an event. Wine, facials and fondue. We had a blast! You’ve heard me say and post that I love what I do. Let me tell you again…I LOVE what I do!!

And it’s not just about the money for me. The personal development that I have gained in the last year has been remarkable! I went from a 9 to 5, clock in/clock out, grow someone else’s business type of gal to a woman that is building a legacy that I can will to my children and their children! And the people I get to work with are just amazing. I get up every morning truly eager to work another day.

Now don’t get me wrong, this is a business. And the goal of any business is to make a profit. But it is so much more then that. Tonight, one of the guests became a consultant. She was very excited but she also prayed about it before she got there. And she felt that God ordained this direction for her life. Towards the end of the night, a few of us got in a circle and prayed for each other and prayed for our businesses. How awesome is that? To God be all the glory!

I am at a point in my life where I want to choose who I work with. No more sitting in a cubicle next to the person who complains about their job, about their life and about their family all day. No more eating lunch with people I really don’t like. No more working for a boss who overworks me and doesn’t appreciate me. I am done with that!

Maybe you are at that place in your life.  I don’t know if this is for you. It sure is working for me and many of the people around me. If you want to talk and learn more about working for yourself. Call me. 404-353-2290

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I hate my pores!!!!

I hear this alot:-)

When it comes to aging, we tend to focus on usual suspects such as lines and wrinkles. We ignore our pores until one day, seemingly out of nowhere, there they are … big, gaping holes occupying prime real estate on our faces. In fact, the most common complaint of Dr. Rodan’s and Dr. Fields’ 30-something and older patients is, “I hate my pores.” The cause? A weakening of the support structure that keeps pores tight and less visible in young skin. As we age, the skin structure slackens due to loss of collagen and elastin and as a result, pores “flop” open appearing larger and more noticeable.

You want to find a good quality skin care regiment to tackle your large pore issue. Kaolin clay is a white, natural, mineral-rich powder that draws oil from your pores while ridding the skin of dead cells and dirt, leaving skin softer to the touch. Some believe it can increase localized circulation and contribute to fighting inflammation of the skin.

You also want to use high quality skin care that contain peptides. Peptides is a protein the signals your skin to produce collagen. Around the age of 25, our body stops producing collagen at a rate of about 1% a year.  So at 35, my body is producing 10% less then it did when I was 25!

Feel free to contact me to learn more about products that can help reduce the appearance of large pores



Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

client testimony....LOVE this!

My good friend and Preferred Customer text this to me today.

"I had a facial today and the girl said my skin looked amazing! And she didn't try to sell me anything:-)"


I love testimonies that are true and genuine. Especially the ones that are unsolicited.

Thank you for that Judy! just more proof that these products really do work and transform your skin.

**This isn't my customer Jusy but just another happy Rodan and Fields customer!!

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What are your fears?

This last year has really been a journey for me. Although I have enjoyed it and so thankful, I have battled with the Voice of doubt and the Fear of success.

Growing up I aspired to be a mother and a wife. I also loved working with children. So I never had big carreer aspirations. And was totally okay with that. I loved to work but I was just fine with my husband being the bread winner and my money contributing. Loosing two jobs will make you re-think some things.

This last year has taught me that I can be successful and I am worthy enough! I can do it!! Honestly, its still a daily battle but I cannot put a price on the personal development I have gained from running my own business. I am so excited about what God has instore for me!! My future is soooo bright!!

What are your fears?

The Two Core Fears and the Fear of Success by Lisa Jimenez, M.Ed.

Fear of commitment, fear of responsibility, fear of loss, and fear of confrontation are all symptoms of the two core fears. All of these surface fears fall into two categories which are the core fears: Fear of Failure and Fear of Success.
If you experience fear of commitment, responsibility, growing up, or change, your core fear is the fear of success. If most of your anxiety comes from fear of rejection, confrontation, or not measuring up, your core fear is the fear of failure.
Let's talk about the fear of success. The fear of succeeding and then having to maintain that success can be daunting. The fear of success is the most powerful fear over most people because it relates directly to the three inborn fears. Fear of falling, fear of loud noises, and fear of abandonment.
The fear of falling represents the belief that once you've achieved success; there's no place to go but down.
The fear of loud noises correlates to sudden change. Perhaps you've been working toward something for months, and then, overnight it seems, something comes through and suddenly you are successful.
The fear of abandonment is very real to a person on the journey of success. You might lose friends when you become successful. They might be jealous of your success, view you as arrogant, or feel that you just don't fit into the "old group" anymore. We have sayings like, "It's lonely at the top," and your inborn fear of abandonment is challenged.
These three fears are inborn and naturally reoccur from time to time. You can counter them by replacing them with truth. Discover your truth about what success means to you and live your life based on these truths. Then you will silence these inborn fears and conquer the dream busters.
Face Your Fear of Success

Have a great day!


Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Friday, June 25, 2010

I’m an African-American man and have a terrible time with beard bumps and ingrown hairs. Can you help me?

I get this GetClearSkin question alot. And we do have products that can help. In fact, my husband has this very same issue. He has been using our products for a few months now and very happy with the results. Please read below for the official answer from our RN on staff, Nurse Mary.

Use a good razor blade and change it every few days and store it in a dry place. Avoid the disposable razors which have poor quality blades and can worsen this problem. To buff off dry skin and “lift up” the hairs, glide the ENHANCEMENTS Body Micro-Dermabrasion gently over the beard area after the skin has been slightly moistened, then shave.  Follow with SOOTHE Sensitive Skin Treatment and SOOTHE UVA/UVB SPF 15 Sunscreen.

**you can also use the Soothe gentle wash to clean your face. It helps with the redness men sometimes experience after shaving.**

Razor bumps can get so irritated that they also cause pimples. You want to teat these pimples so they don't become further irritated and cause scarring. If that has already occurred, we can help with that as well.

Our sophisticated acne system helps unclog pores, clears breakouts and calms your complexion to keep pimples, blackheads and post-acne marks from making an unwelcome appearance on your face.

Razor bumps can be painful, irritating and sometimes embarrassing. Now there is a solution. And if by chance, you don't see the results you are looking for, we offer a 100% empty bottle, money back guarantee. So try us out TODAY!

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Friday, June 18, 2010

GetClearSkin Questions: I was diagnosed with rosacea. What is it and what should I use?

Rosacea is characterized by intense and frequent flushing or blotchy redness, the appearance of “broken blood vessels” on the cheeks, chin, nose, and in most cases, acne-like pimples. In fair-skinned people, particularly of Scottish, Irish and English descent, early signs of rosacea may be the pink, flushed cheeks of youth. Eventually, rosacea progresses to a permanent redness of the mid-face, cheeks, nose and chin, along with pustules and red inflammatory acne bumps. Rosacea is often incorrectly referred to as adult acne, but it lacks the comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) of acne vulgaris.

In a clinical study on people exhibiting hypersensitive skin, including mild to moderate rosacea, our SOOTHE Regimen reduced redness by 58% and overall irritation by 78% in just five minutes with improved benefits with daily use.

I have never suffered from rosacea but have friends that have. its not fun and can be embarassing. If you suffer from rosacea, contact me, I can help.

Posted via web from GetClearSkin

My Why...

Not too long ago, I was working a 9 to 5 job at a non-profut foundation. I loved why I was there but I did not love being there. I was over-worked, under-paid and under-appreciated. But the economy was heading south so the thought of quitting never crossed my mind.

Then on May 19th, I was let go. What a devasting day that was for me. When I got home, I cried, I prayed, I yelled and I was just sad. I went through a range of emotions. If you've never lost a job, its hard to explain. I felt like a failure and completely defeated. But that didn't last long...thank you Lord!

During this time I was introduced to Rodan and Fields Dermatologists by my good friend Linda. I had no intentions of signing up, I just went to the meeting to support her. Once the meeting was over, I looked at Linda and asked her..."Where do I sign up?"

My why...I never want to sit across the table from someone who starts off by telling me how wonderful I am, what a great spirit and attitude I have but end the conversation with...I have to let you go. As God as my witness, that will neve be my fate again.

Owning my own business has been so rewarding and I am super excited about it!!

Posted via web from getclearskin's posterous

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Skinpact News: A Fashion Statement to Die For

Skinpact News: A Fashion Statement to Die For

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March is Women’s History Month, and in honor of all wonderful, hard-working women everyone, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields shed light on the one fashion statement that just won’t die … tanning