Wednesday, June 30, 2010

client testimony....LOVE this!

My good friend and Preferred Customer text this to me today.

"I had a facial today and the girl said my skin looked amazing! And she didn't try to sell me anything:-)"


I love testimonies that are true and genuine. Especially the ones that are unsolicited.

Thank you for that Judy! just more proof that these products really do work and transform your skin.

**This isn't my customer Jusy but just another happy Rodan and Fields customer!!

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What are your fears?

This last year has really been a journey for me. Although I have enjoyed it and so thankful, I have battled with the Voice of doubt and the Fear of success.

Growing up I aspired to be a mother and a wife. I also loved working with children. So I never had big carreer aspirations. And was totally okay with that. I loved to work but I was just fine with my husband being the bread winner and my money contributing. Loosing two jobs will make you re-think some things.

This last year has taught me that I can be successful and I am worthy enough! I can do it!! Honestly, its still a daily battle but I cannot put a price on the personal development I have gained from running my own business. I am so excited about what God has instore for me!! My future is soooo bright!!

What are your fears?

The Two Core Fears and the Fear of Success by Lisa Jimenez, M.Ed.

Fear of commitment, fear of responsibility, fear of loss, and fear of confrontation are all symptoms of the two core fears. All of these surface fears fall into two categories which are the core fears: Fear of Failure and Fear of Success.
If you experience fear of commitment, responsibility, growing up, or change, your core fear is the fear of success. If most of your anxiety comes from fear of rejection, confrontation, or not measuring up, your core fear is the fear of failure.
Let's talk about the fear of success. The fear of succeeding and then having to maintain that success can be daunting. The fear of success is the most powerful fear over most people because it relates directly to the three inborn fears. Fear of falling, fear of loud noises, and fear of abandonment.
The fear of falling represents the belief that once you've achieved success; there's no place to go but down.
The fear of loud noises correlates to sudden change. Perhaps you've been working toward something for months, and then, overnight it seems, something comes through and suddenly you are successful.
The fear of abandonment is very real to a person on the journey of success. You might lose friends when you become successful. They might be jealous of your success, view you as arrogant, or feel that you just don't fit into the "old group" anymore. We have sayings like, "It's lonely at the top," and your inborn fear of abandonment is challenged.
These three fears are inborn and naturally reoccur from time to time. You can counter them by replacing them with truth. Discover your truth about what success means to you and live your life based on these truths. Then you will silence these inborn fears and conquer the dream busters.
Face Your Fear of Success

Have a great day!


Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Friday, June 25, 2010

I’m an African-American man and have a terrible time with beard bumps and ingrown hairs. Can you help me?

I get this GetClearSkin question alot. And we do have products that can help. In fact, my husband has this very same issue. He has been using our products for a few months now and very happy with the results. Please read below for the official answer from our RN on staff, Nurse Mary.

Use a good razor blade and change it every few days and store it in a dry place. Avoid the disposable razors which have poor quality blades and can worsen this problem. To buff off dry skin and “lift up” the hairs, glide the ENHANCEMENTS Body Micro-Dermabrasion gently over the beard area after the skin has been slightly moistened, then shave.  Follow with SOOTHE Sensitive Skin Treatment and SOOTHE UVA/UVB SPF 15 Sunscreen.

**you can also use the Soothe gentle wash to clean your face. It helps with the redness men sometimes experience after shaving.**

Razor bumps can get so irritated that they also cause pimples. You want to teat these pimples so they don't become further irritated and cause scarring. If that has already occurred, we can help with that as well.

Our sophisticated acne system helps unclog pores, clears breakouts and calms your complexion to keep pimples, blackheads and post-acne marks from making an unwelcome appearance on your face.

Razor bumps can be painful, irritating and sometimes embarrassing. Now there is a solution. And if by chance, you don't see the results you are looking for, we offer a 100% empty bottle, money back guarantee. So try us out TODAY!

Posted via email from GetClearSkin

Friday, June 18, 2010

GetClearSkin Questions: I was diagnosed with rosacea. What is it and what should I use?

Rosacea is characterized by intense and frequent flushing or blotchy redness, the appearance of “broken blood vessels” on the cheeks, chin, nose, and in most cases, acne-like pimples. In fair-skinned people, particularly of Scottish, Irish and English descent, early signs of rosacea may be the pink, flushed cheeks of youth. Eventually, rosacea progresses to a permanent redness of the mid-face, cheeks, nose and chin, along with pustules and red inflammatory acne bumps. Rosacea is often incorrectly referred to as adult acne, but it lacks the comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) of acne vulgaris.

In a clinical study on people exhibiting hypersensitive skin, including mild to moderate rosacea, our SOOTHE Regimen reduced redness by 58% and overall irritation by 78% in just five minutes with improved benefits with daily use.

I have never suffered from rosacea but have friends that have. its not fun and can be embarassing. If you suffer from rosacea, contact me, I can help.

Posted via web from GetClearSkin

My Why...

Not too long ago, I was working a 9 to 5 job at a non-profut foundation. I loved why I was there but I did not love being there. I was over-worked, under-paid and under-appreciated. But the economy was heading south so the thought of quitting never crossed my mind.

Then on May 19th, I was let go. What a devasting day that was for me. When I got home, I cried, I prayed, I yelled and I was just sad. I went through a range of emotions. If you've never lost a job, its hard to explain. I felt like a failure and completely defeated. But that didn't last long...thank you Lord!

During this time I was introduced to Rodan and Fields Dermatologists by my good friend Linda. I had no intentions of signing up, I just went to the meeting to support her. Once the meeting was over, I looked at Linda and asked her..."Where do I sign up?"

My why...I never want to sit across the table from someone who starts off by telling me how wonderful I am, what a great spirit and attitude I have but end the conversation with...I have to let you go. As God as my witness, that will neve be my fate again.

Owning my own business has been so rewarding and I am super excited about it!!

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